
Exam Certificate Collection

Exam certificates are generally ready for collection in December after you leave Hodge Hill Girls’ School.

You will have 3 options on how to collect your certificates. An updated letter, which will include further details and be based on the following options, will be shared with you soon to ensure you have all the necessary information.


Option 1 – get a sibling or a cousin at Hodge Hill Girls’ School to collect your certificates on your behalf. (Please provide name of the student, form group and your relationship to the student) Please make sure you confirm to authorise the student in school to collect your certificates on your behalf, and it is your responsibility to collect these from the student.

Option 2 – Authorise your parent/carer to collect the certificates on your behalf. (Please provide name of the parent/carer and arrange an appropriate time via email with the Exams Officer for them to collect your certificates). They will need to bring in a photographic ID to authenticate their identity.

Please make sure you confirm to authorise your parent/carer to collect your certificates on your behalf, and it is your responsibility to collect these from the named person.

Option 3 – Collect your certificates in person (Arrange an appropriate time via email with the Exams Officer to collect your certificates.)

If you wish to collect your Art course work, please make sure you complete the question on the survey to highlight this.


Your certificates are important legal documents that you will need throughout the course of your career. Employers, colleges and universities often insist on seeing original qualification certificates.

Please make every effort to collect your certificates and keep them safely. The certificates will be destroyed after 1 year, in line with GDPR and JCQ guidance. Replacement certificates cost in excess of £40.00 to replace.

Some awarding bodies do not offer a replacement certificate service. In such circumstances the awarding body will issue a Certifying Statement of Results. Where an awarding body issues a replacement certificate, or a Certifying Statement of Results, this will provide an accurate and complete record of results for all qualifications covered by the original certificate.


The Exams Officer is Mr Haque and his email is

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094