

Subject Vision and Intent

A growing body of research shows that pupils who are emotionally healthy do better at school. PSHE education helps children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life. 

PSHE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. Here at Hodge Hill Girls School, we pride ourselves on our PSHE programme and aim to help students become well-rounded citizens who understand how to not only stay safe but also thrive in the wider world. Each year we build on the previous year’s learning and adapt to the year group being taught, making sure all topics are age appropriate and consider community beliefs and ideas. 


Five-Year Plan

 Term  Year 7    Year 8    Year 9    Year 10     Year 11  


 Term 1  

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community  


 Term 2  

 Health and Wellbeing 

 Health and Wellbeing 

 Health and Wellbeing 

 Health and Wellbeing  

 Health and Wellbeing 


 Term 1  


 Health and Wellbeing 

 Health and Wellbeing  

 Health and Wellbeing 

 Health and Wellbeing  


 Term 2  

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community  

 Wider Community  

 Wider Community  


 Term 1  

 Health and Wellbeing 

 Wider Community 

 Wider Community  

 Wider Community 



 Term 2  







PSHE is a non-examination subject. PSHE is all about helping students to understand the world they live in and how to participate in this world. We look at British Values, community ideals and religious influences in all topics. PSHE helps students to learn how to stay safe, adapt to ever-changing situations and how to handle situations they may find themselves in as well as helping students in other lessons with links to science, maths, English, Citizenship and humanities. We are using PSHE to help prepare our students for life outside of Hodge Hill Girls, so they can strive to become good citizens.

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094