
Travelling to School

It is the school's responsibility to keep everyone safe on school premises. 'Controlled access' has been installed to the site for pedestrians and vehicles. Additionally members of staff are on duty at both the pedestrian and school gates at the start and end of the school day.

Please note rudeness or inconsiderate behaviour towards staff participating in their duties will not be accepted and could ultimately result in the perpetrators being refused access to the site without a prior arrangement with the Head teacher or Governing Body.


The pedestrian gate is open at the start and end of the school day, when pupils are arriving for school. Outside this time pedestrians are asked to use the appropriate intercom for either the nursery or school who will authorise access. Pedestrians will be given a code by Reception to open the road gate when leaving the building.



To maintain the safety of girls on site and to prevent congestion on our narrow school drive, parents are not allowed to bring vehicles up the drive either in the morning or the afternoon. Vehicle passes, where appropriate will be issued to parents of pupils with temporary or permanent disabilities; applications should be made with the school. School concierge will only allow Community transport and those families with an agreed pass onto the school site at the beginning and end of the school day.

Parents who do bring or collect their daughter by car are asked to consider the safety of all the children, including the nursery, infants and juniors from the adjacent schools. Please be considerate to other road users and our neighbours by not parking carelessly or illegally outside school. NEVER drop girls off on the zig-zag lines outside school – several near accidents have been witnessed where this has happened during the year while we have been supporting pupil safety at the gate at the beginning and end of the school day.

The local Police has asked the school to remind parents and pupils of the law regarding seatbelts and parking outside school. All drivers and passengers must wear seatbelts and are subject to on the spot fines. All parking restrictions should be respected – illegal parking is also subject to similar fines.

For the safety and security of all on the premises, all users are asked to adhere to guidelines in not allowing other unauthorised users to enter the site/premises.


Public Transport

There are a number of buses that stop near the school. The outer circle 11A bus (anticlockwise) and 11C bus (clockwise) circumnavigates Birmingham stopping at Bromford Road. Hodge Hill Girls’ School is approximately 10-15 minutes walk from here.

The 70 and 94 from Birmingham City Centre via Saltley and from Chelmsleywood and the 55 from Birmingham City Centre and from the Shard End stop at the Fox and Goose Shopping Centre.

This is a 10-15 minute walk from the school. The 72 bus from Birmingham City Centre via Saltley Gate stops along Bromford Drive. Hodge Hill Girls’ School is approximately 5-10 minutes walk from here.



Some pupils cycle to school and leave their cycles in the ‘Cycle Shed’ during the day. Please ensure your daughter has a cycle helmet for her own safety.

Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094