

Subject Vision and Intent

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.

Mary Lou Cook

  The Art and Design Department delivers a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages and enables pupils to develop their creativity, confidence and their visual communication skills. Pupils develop practical skills by working in both two and three dimensions using a wide range of media. They develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject by researching artists and designers across different times and cultures and experimenting with a range of materials and techniques. Pupils are encouraged to use or make their own sketchbooks through the development of the projects with final pieces of work being produced separately across a variety of scales and media. The KS3 curriculum is designed to develop and build upon a range of skills. The formal elements of art and design are the basis for a range of projects which look at line, form, tone and colour. Within the department pupils are encouraged to develop greater confidence and independence as well as using their imagination and creativity in a caring and stimulating environment where the individual needs of students are addressed.

Five year plan

Term Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

Autumn Term 1  


On rotation: 

British Values: with a focus on developing observational skills and use of a range of media, with links to "British Tea Drinking" and the historic context of tea.


On rotation: 

Environment and Sustainability: Observing the impact humans have had on the planet and in particular the effects on animals whilst continuing to build up skills across a range of materials.


On rotation: 

Environment and Sustainability: Observing the impact humans have had on the planet and in particular the effects on animals whilst continuing to build up skills across a range of materials.

Autumn Term 2
Spring Term 1
Spring Term 2
Summer Term 1
Summer Term 2


Key Stage 4

GCSE Fine Art

Exam Board Equdas


GCSE Fine Art examination has 2 components:  


Component 1: Portfolio of Work (Controlled Assessment) 60% This component consists of a practical portfolio of work and outcomes based on internally set themes and subject matter. The work is internally set and assessed but externally moderated. Evidence is required of how pupils have met each of the four assessment objectives. 


Component 2: Externally Set Task 40% with each component being assessed. The Externally Set Assignment) consists of two parts:  

 Part 1 is the preparatory study period which involves Eduqas releasing the Externally Set Assignment materials to pupils no earlier than 2 January. This will consist of  a range of starting points based on themes, visual stimuli and written briefs. Pupils must select one of the starting points as the focus of their creative response. Responses are developed during the preparatory study period building on pupils’ knowledge from component 1. 

 Part 2 is the 10 hour period of sustained focus work where pupils use their preparatory work, under supervised conditions to complete the externally set task. 

Key Topics
  • Areas of study include:  
  • Drawing 
  • Installation 
  • Lens and light-based media 
  • Mixed media  
  • Land art 
  • Printing  
  • Painting  
  • Sculpture 



Hodge Hill Girls School
Bromford Road
B36 8EY

0121 464 3094